Use the server version in a development environment.

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Use the server version in a development environment.


I have a server version license deployed in a production environment and am doing work on a development machine that is independent of the production server.  What is the best way to reference and work with the product in this case?


You can deploy the server version onto your development system by following the same instructions as detailed in the install.txt included with your server version aside from the license file copy in step 1.  For a development system please ensure that the license file is not copied into the dotnetcharting directory.  Your license key file should only be copied to your licensed production server.


Please ensure the install.txt instructions are followed and that there is only one dotnetcharting.dll on the system.  You can also confirm that dll is the server version by right clicking and selecting properties on the dll and selecting the version tab, comments field.

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Last Modified:Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Last Modified By: Support
Rated 2 stars based on 11 votes.
Article has been viewed 14,071 times.